General Hospital is an American daytime drama series that was created by Frank and Doris Hursley. It premiered on April 1, 1963, and aired on ABC. It is set in a fictional midsized Eastern town called Port Charles and tells the stories of its residents and its visitors. During its early years, the show was popular with teenage audiences, and it helped spark the popularity of medical soaps on prime time television.
Unlike specialty hospitals, general hospitals are often larger and have a greater variety of services. They provide around-the-clock emergency care and day-to-day medically necessary services. They may also provide a number of wellness services. Depending on their size, they may have a pharmacy, laboratories, sophisticated diagnostic services such as radiology and angiography, physical therapy departments, an obstetrical unit (a nursery and delivery room) and operating rooms. They also usually have a walk-in or urgent treatment centre, which provides non-emergency services to patients who are too sick to be admitted as inpatients.
The legal governing body of a general hospital is usually a board. It is responsible for the conduct and efficient management of the hospital. The board establishes policy, appoints a medical staff and an administrator, and exercises control over expenditures and professional standards. The board may be a voluntary organization or a publicly elected body. The board is often aided by a medical advisory committee.
In addition to general and specialty hospitals, some towns and communities have community health centers that provide health care to low-income individuals or families. These facilities are often smaller than hospitals and may have a limited range of health services, but are intended to serve the needs of the community at large. They are often staffed by volunteer health workers, and the services provided may be less expensive than those of a general hospital.
General hospital is a type of health care facility that provides medical and surgical services to patients of all ages. These facilities are typically located in urban areas and have between 300-500 beds. Historically, they were called district general hospitals or local hospitals. Depending on their size, they may also have a walk-in or urgent treatment center that provides care for patients who are too sick to be admitted as hospital inpatients, as well as rehabilitation departments, including physiotherapy and occupational therapy.
Today’s general hospitals are undergoing rapid expansion as they compete with specialized hospitals for patients. As a result, their funding and profitability are being compromised. They must also contend with competition from specialized facilities that are offering lower cost and more convenient services.
Founded in 1962, the Paul S. Russell Museum of Medical History and Innovation is dedicated to drawing connections between medical advances spanning more than 200 years. The Museum is an engaging experience that will inform, inspire, and engage, offering visitors a unique opportunity to learn about the past while showcasing innovations that are shaping the future of medicine. The Russell Museum is supported by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.