Cancer is a group of more than 100 diseases that can occur anywhere in the body. Our bodies are made up of cells which divide and grow, taking over when damaged. Cancer starts when these normal processes are disrupted by genetic changes. Cancerous tumors can spread to other parts of the body, while benign tumors do not. If you’re diagnosed with cancer, you may have several options for treatment. Below are some of the options. Hopefully, this information will be useful.
Surgery is the most common treatment for cancer, but in some cases, other treatments may be necessary. If the tumor is too large to be removed surgically, or it has spread to areas outside the tumor, other treatments may be considered. These may include drugs, radiation therapy, and immunotherapy. These treatments are typically performed at specialized centers, and there are new therapies being tested. If you think your cancer is a simple case of a different type of disease, you may want to seek treatment with a nephrologist.
As the cancer spreads through the body, the cells may break away from the original tumor and travel to other parts. As the cancer cells continue to grow in these new sites, they can even form new tumors. This process is known as metastasis. Cancer cells can spread through the lymph system, as well. Cancer can spread to distant organs, such as the lungs and bones. While most of these cancer cells die before spreading, some may settle in a new place and grow into a tumor.
When a normal cell becomes a cancerous cell, it undergoes a mutation that causes it to become self-sufficient in growth signals. Normally, cells reproduce themselves according to their type of DNA, but when the DNA is altered, a tumor cell can grow uncontrollably and rapidly, crowding out the healthy cells in the surrounding areas. As a result, cancerous cells grow to a high rate and can cause severe damage to healthy tissues.
Surgery can remove the entire cancer, or parts of it. Sometimes, surgery is combined with chemotherapy or radiation. Chemotherapy works by destroying cancer cells. This therapy may also shrink a tumor and reduce the number of cells in the body. Radiation therapy is another type of treatment that uses high doses of radiation to kill cancer cells. It can be given inside the body or externally. Some cancer cells can be removed surgically by surgeons.
Whether your disease is age-related or genetic, cancer is inevitable. One in every two Australians will develop cancer in their lifetime. Thankfully, cancer detection has become much easier with increased public awareness and early diagnosis. This has contributed to a significantly reduced death rate for cancer. Cancer is a disease that affects both men and women. But fortunately, there is hope for survival. Just remember that cancer is never the fault of someone’s lifestyle or habits.